Friday, August 3, 2012

A little info

These are the emails from the ward updating people on what was happening with me. I sure thank them for all they did for us.

May 13, 2012 (Mother's Day)

Yesterday Desirae Sommers had Heart failure and is in the hospital in critical condition. They put her in a deep coma once they got her stabilized. We will keep you updated as we hear how she is doing. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Danny said they started to bring her out of sedation yesterday around 1:00 pm, and she came out more quickly than they anticipated.  She opened her eyes on command, would squeeze their hands, etc. which was very encouraging.  Danny says they keep giving her "sedation vacations" which means they let her stay awake as long as she doesn't seem like she is uncomfortable or agitated.  She is still on the ventilator, which is very uncomfortable, but is making progress toward breathing on her own. 

She recognized Danny and those that were there with her.  She is still in Trauma Shock ICU, but Danny seemed very encouraged and hopeful. 

One more thing, that speaks volumes about Desirae's commitment and love for her children:  Danny mentioned McKenna's birthday to Desirae, which happens to be today.  He said, "Her eyes about popped out of her head with concern and worry!"  Here she is lying in a hospital bed, in the ICU, hooked to tubes and monitors and can't even speak, but she is anxious and concerned about her cute daughters birthday that she can't do anything about!  

Danny said McKenna is going to be at Danny's mothers house located at 376 E. 200 S. in Orem, right across the street from Orem high, from about 4:00 to 6:30 tonight.  If you have daughters or sons that know McKenna, it might be nice if they could drop by and wish her a happy birthday.  They are having a big sweet sixteen party for her on Friday, at Dennis and Marnae Sorenson's house, I'm not sure of the time.  Danny thought it would be awesome for McKenna to have as many people (probably mostly kids) there as possible.  If you send your teenager, send them with a treat or a snack to contribute to the party.  There is apparently more information about it on Facebook. 

We will continue to update everyone as they let us know.  If anyone receives more info that you think is appropriate to share, please let Naleta Mellor (one of Desirae's VT), or Jan Kunz know so we can pass it along. 

Thanks for your continued prayers for the Sommer's
Sister Jan Kunz sent the following....5-17-12

I talked to Danny Sommers again this morning.  He said Desirae is continuing to progress.  They have taken her off the ventilator, hooray!!!  She is still in ICU but her condition is not as critical, so she has a nurse that has two patients instead of just one.  She is receiving physical, occupational and speech therapy every morning, which keeps her pretty busy, and quite tired.  She is speaking, has full use of arms, legs, and has even taken a little walk.   They were worried about her memory, but she can remember everything up until about 1 week before the accident, which is excellent, because sometimes patients loose several months worth of memory or more!

She was having trouble swallowing, so they put a camera through her nose and down her throat and discovered one of her vocal cords is paralyzed.  This could have been damage from the ventilator or neurological damage, they aren't sure.  So, it may or may not heal itself, depending on what caused the damage.

 Her heart at this point is only at about 20% capacity, so they are still trying to figure that out.  She is on medication, and they will have to figure out a longer term solution, but they are still working on that.

Overall, Danny is very pleased with her progress and sounded very encouraged and hopeful.
Thanks for all your concern and prayers.

From Jan...5-21-12

Yesterday after church, Brenda and I went to see Desirae.  We ran into Danny and all the kids getting into the elevator, so we followed them up to Desirae's room.  Her cardiac recovery therapists were there and took her for a walk; she took 3 laps around the nurses station, her personal best, she was so proud!  She came back to her room and we were talking and laughing, we had such a fun visit.  She was told she could possibly come home Monday or Tuesday.  Brenda and I came home so encouraged and uplifted. 

About an hour after I got home, Danny called and said that Desirae had just had a stroke, and they were going to take her in for another surgery.  There was a surgeon on call today from the U of U, who only comes once every 6 months, who happens to be a specialist in strokes, and had invented a procedure that gets the blood clot out of the brain.  They performed the surgery and said everything went well, but that she probably would not regain the movement in her left side for several months.  As the doctor was giving the family this report, the nurse came out and said Desirae was moving her toes on her left foot.  Within the next few hours she had full movement in her leg and arm and left side of her face!  This sweet woman just continues to beat the odds! 

They put her back into ICU, so she can't have visitors again for a while.  Danny said she receives such great care in ICU because she has her own nurse, they watch her really closely. 

Naleta Mellor is Desirae's VT and has arranged some meals for the family this week, but if you are interested in helping the family with a meal in the upcoming weeks, please contact Naleta.

I know I keep saying this, but thank you so much for your continued prayers, I know the family feels your love and support! 


Desirae has had another stroke. They were concerned this time because of the irritation from the first one and having to back in. They were less optimistic about getting the clot out and that she could have permanent brain damage. She wouldn't be the same person. Danny told us that she also would not be able to be sedated this time, but not to worry because only 5% of people can feel it so she should be fine. The Doctor came out and told Danny that he was unsuccessful in removing the clot. He only got a piece. Then Desirae's nurse came running out crying and jumping around because she just moved her left hand. He was hugging everyone and then ran back in to be with Desirae. The doctor seemed shocked but happy too. This is unusual to have happen. Yet again, Desirae has beat the odds.

I would like to tell you what went on with me during this time. They took wires up to my brain through a tiny hole in my groin, Yes I know have many of those. I was watching everyone, scared to death to be awake for this. The doctor turned on some horrible music that I have never heard, why couldn't they play Jack Johnson to calm me? They told me it wouldn't hurt and to hold as still as possible. hurt like hell. The worst pain I have ever felt and then they would put a white screen next to my head and I don't know what it did, but it felt like it was searing my brain. I tried so hard to hold still, and eventually started yelling out, then swearing, just little swear words, I would apologize through my tears and they would say it was okay and not to worry. I could tell things were not going very well and I begged them to stop. I felt a tiny bit of relief when they did, but my brain hurt and felt like it was on fire. When they wheeled me out I saw my mom and Danny. The first thing I said while crying was "That hurt so bad and I said bad words." The stroke kind of made me childlike, but I could see my mom was already crying. I hope they didn't hear me screaming. As I look back on all that happened to me that I remember anyways, This was the most horrifying experience to date. I don't remember what happened at all from the time this all started. Danny says he hopes I never do. Me too. I am sure it was worse than the brain pain. Through all of this, I have learned that I can feel a lot that happens in my body that 95% of people can not. Lucky me :(


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