Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 South Fork, Provo Canyon
 Taisha is ready to go...
 I am ready to go...
 The elk are already going...
 Danny...lead the way.
 It's amazing how quite and peaceful the mountains are in the snow.
 We snowshoed with a couple who arrived at the same time as us.
We had such a good time and can't wait to do it again!
 Falling was so much fun...but really hard to get back up with the snowshoes on.
 No, it's not the abominable snowman, it's just scary me.
 Taisha sure does take good pictures.
 Making myself into a snowman... Harder than it looks.
I am so weird.


M.C. Sommers said...

I love all of these pictures of you guys! You are such a fun family. I don't know if I could do the snow shoe thing.

tricia said...

That looks so much fun! I am amazed at how beautiful it is up in the mountains in the winter time. We should all go sometime, we enjoy snowshoeing too!

Danny & Desirae Sommers said...

Maybe next year after you have the baby Tricia unless we have a super long winter.