Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Family Ideas...

Got this idea from Skip To MY Lou.

50 Family Activities

  1. Go Ice Skating
  2. Make Christmas cards
  3. Go Christmas caroling or sing Christmas songs at home
  4. Give everyone manicure & pedicures
  5. Let each child choose a favorite dinner
  6. Push the furniture back and dance
  7. Watch It's a Wonderful Life or the How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  8. Play a game
  9. Decorate Christmas cookies and share with neighbors
  10. Have a special friend for dinner
  11. Make Christmas ornaments
  12. Make hot chocolate and read Christmas stories
  13. Make a Gingerbread house
  14. Make a simple pine cone bird feeder
  15. Have a special breakfast
  16. String popcorn and cranberries
  17. Play cards
  18. Make a paper ring garland
  19. Have a fireside meal (we use this and make grilled cheese and apple pies in the fireplace)
  20. Cut snowflakes for the windows
  21. Make and hang beautiful wrapping paper stars
  22. Drive around to see neighborhood Christmas lights (put hot cocoa in to go cups and put on pjs)
  23. Go to a holiday movie
  24. Roast marshmallows in the fireplace
  25. Offer to help an elderly neighbor with their Christmas decorations
  26. Work together as a family to make some handmade gifts
  27. Make decorative sugar cookies
  28. Purchase gifts for a needy child or family
  29. Invite friends over in their pajamas to read Christmas  stories
  30. Play in the snow, build a snowman
  31. Go for a walk at night and look at the stars
  32. Try out these printable crafts
  33. Make paper candy canes
  34. Make some yummy peppermint candy covered popcorn
  35. Make gift tags and wrapping paper
  36. Make super simple sugar cookies
  37. Make snow paint
  38. Make homemade stickers
  39. Make homemade playdough
  40. Make a pie and take it to a friend
  41. Have ice cream sundaes with this special ice cream topping
  42. Make a candy wreath to give to a friend or decorate your own home
  43. Make shrinky dinks
  44. Have breakfast for dinner (serve smiley pancakes)
  45. Make glittery snowflakes
  46. Make Candy Cane Mice
  47. Make Candy Cane Reindeer
  48. Invite Santa for breakfast and serve snowman doughnuts
  49. Hand write letters to  friends that live away.
  50. Write something nice about each family member on a slip of paper and place it under their pillow

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