Friday, July 5, 2013

City of Rocks Day Two...

The plan was for McKenna and I to read and relax.
I had a hard time concentrating so 
I climbed to the top of the rocks of our camp and took pictures.

These rocks are really interesting and shapely.

Do you see the smiley face?
Loved the colors.

A tree growing on top of the high rocks.
There are lots of birds for bird watchers. I will find out each one later.

Looking out toward the City of Almo.

Due to the rain, there were puddles.
And we loved this tiny pond although we never hiked there.

Tiny bird. 
I am frustrated with the blurriness of my photos with the new camera. 
I can't figure out why?
Alvin our camp chipmunk.

Dipping her toes to cool off. LOL


A little dust devil with quite a punch. It was strong and destroyed camps. 
Luckily it missed ours.

The Thunderstorm is coming!

When the hail and rain came, we headed to town. The other people in our party went to a friends cabin, but I knew it was about to break up so we went and had the best pizza ever in Almo and then went back to camp and had a fire.

Going towards town.
McKenna was excited to teach Taisha how to play the guitar.
Taisha did good.

Danny and I enjoyed it.
Then came the sunset.

We took in the coaches, Adam and Cali's dog most of the time. He was sweet.
A good hiding place.

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