Saturday, March 8, 2014

My Grandpa's Funeral...

Note: all pictures were by my mom's awesome cousin's husband David Terry. I did steal them but hoped he would not be mad. :)

Today was my Grandpa Poll's funeral. The two talks giving by my Uncle Sterling and Aunt Angela were absolutely wonderful full of memories and messages. Alisha and Danny went with me. I however didn't go to the graveside. I regret that a lot. Danny was too busy.

Up until the age of four, I remember my grandpa and his new family, aunts and uncles older and younger than me coming to a few family events. I was always so excited to see my other grandpa.

You see...

My grandparents divorced when my mom was younger and my grandma and grandpa both remarried. So I rarely saw my Grandpa Poll. There were bad feelings between my mom the older siblings towards their dad.

I remember one time seeing my Grandpa Poll and he gave me a doll. I named her Elizabeth and had her until my parents divorced and it got lost. I was devastated!

My grandpa had the bluest eyes and when he talked to you he seemed to really listen and was very sincere. His family were always so nice and loving when we would see them. My Great-Grandpa Poll died a few years ago. She NEVER forgot a birthday card until she simply couldn't see anymore.

Over the years I would see my grandpa only a few times. He always had a hug and wanted to know how I was doing. He was very depressed and at that time it made me feel sad and a little weird.

Well, today I just wanted to say goodbye to him and thank the Poll family for all they did for him. He wasn't always the easiest I heard.

I love you Grandpa. I am also sorry for referring to you as my biological grandfather and just David. You never truly wronged ME so I hope you can hear my pleas for forgiveness. I hope your homecoming with your brothers, parents and son was wonderful.

 Doesn't my Aunt Natalie look like a movie star?

 Uncles and Aunts, Sterling, Angela, Marcelle, Natalie, Aaron, Mom, Juliane and Jay. Missing James and Scott.
My aunts, uncles and cousins.

 My mom and Grandma Lamb. David and my Grandma stayed in touch.

 Juliane with her sweet husband.
 My hunky cousin Lane with Angela and Mom.
Mom talking to her cute nieces.
 My mom and her uncle Robert who had a heart attack not to long ago. 
I am glad he is still with us. He is my Grandpa's youngest brother who used to live across the street from us in West Jordan.
 I love seeing Jay smile.

My beautiful cousins Savanah and Mia
What a beautiful day. 

May you be in peace and find happiness Grandpa. I love you.

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