Sunday, October 31, 2010


 Taisha, Maycee and Natalie.
 The Triple A's.

 Dead Cheerleader Alisha.
 Auctober's first Halloween. She wouldn't put down her candy.
 Rock Climber Taisha. She didn't really want to be something she wasn't.
 Goulish me.
 Tyler and Skyler. Skyler went on his first date to a school dance. 
The girl goes to our rival Orem High, but she is friends with Sammy so I guess it is o.k.

 McKenna and her friend were twins?

 Abby, Auctober and Alisha.
 Mom was a witch. A tired witch.
 Auctober was very sick, but I think she had a great Halloween.
 We made pizza for dinner!!!
 Baby Abby.
My sexy fire power Mario!!!

This was sure an exhausting Halloween. It is weird when all the kids start going different directions and you sit at home answering the door. That is why we thought My mom and Tyler and the Triple A's would have more fun hanging out with family then sitting at home. It was fun, but I miss my kids being little and taking them door to door. Oh well...

1 comment:

Brenda said...

You were very scary! Everyone looked great!