Monday, June 13, 2011

Aroma Therapy...

Every time I walk outside...

I take a deep breath...

and feel immediately better.

I absolutely love the smell of the neighbors Russian Olive Tree.

I pray and pray that they won't ever decide to cut it down.


I don't have room in my yard for such big tree.

I even open my windows so the delightful fragrance can soothe my soul...

All day and all night.


Anonymous said...

I eat russian olives from my trees and make cider and jelly and juice from them and accumulatively built the healing nutrients into my body since September by making jelly from astringent ones that sweetened when boiled. I have dark Roasted the seeds and ground for coffee. It's cold Wyoming february and very sweet and nutty inside has softened. If your scars itch or throat and eyes'll see the healing miracles soon.

Anonymous said...

Leaves in Spring will be my next tea. Honey compliments the cider as well as honey. But the easiest way to gather..put tarp under tree and after you get half gallon..put them in big pan, fill 3 inches above olives with water, boil, cool til olives sink to bottom. Reheat even to put in blender while warm on stir setting. Pour into screen over bucket so seeds are separated. Put fine cheese cloth over separate bucket in strain bowl and dump juice slowly through to collect mash to squeeze, dump and finish juicing. Juice is sweet and ready to enjoy. Eat as you pick and check tree olives after each month to taste the changes thru winter

Anonymous said...

The nut inside seed has softened and I ate hundreds while gathering since nut is very tasty. I had burnt my eyes last year when I got to close while burning piles of grass and vision was blurry since. After eating the soft eyes burned so bad I assumed I must have nut allergy. Three days later I woke up and my vision was better than it's been in years. My roommate aslo eats from my trees and his bald spot has hair nor and no more hemroids and his scar from childhood accident is almost unnoticeable as are mind

Anonymous said...

Treat your russian olive trees as a fine cherry or apple tree and trim in the winter so they will flower in Spring. Once I took notice and ate and trimmed and healed in amazing trees quit spreading obnoxiously. They were obviously waiting for me to love them as the good Lord above wanted.