Friday, December 16, 2011

Favorite Christmas Stories...

Not only makes me crave an orange...
it makes me feel fortunate to have loving people in a cold world 
and the blessing of an orange anytime I want.
I believe... What a magical story! My Grandma Nilsson always read this to the kids at the Nilsson Christmas party. Missed it this year and the last few. She is the reason Christmas is so special to me.
I had the tradition of buying a new book every year. I came across this one and was amazed by the gift of love. Giving to people in need...wish I could this year.

This is a cute book, but I enjoyed the movie more. Never thought I would say that. Move over Mary Poppins...Mrs. Miracle is here.
The true meaning of Christmas can not be is in our hearts. A book to help us remember.

I don't care how old you are, Peanuts rocks!

Books that made me cry and I won't read ever again!

Yes I am a baby.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

My favorites are: "A Christmas Dress for Ellen" and "Christmas Every Day", I can't wait for the grandbabies to get here (tomorrow!) to read them to them. See you on Monday!