Friday, December 28, 2012


Taisha got snowshoes for her birthday and I got the same pair for Christmas. We were so excited to go try them out.
As we drove up the canyon, we noticed that there was very little snow compared to the valley. 

Weird we thought, so we thought the further we go, the more snow we would find. 


It was a bust :(
So on the way home we decided to go thought Midway which is one of my favorite small towns and we found a trail. Everyone there had snowshoes, but couldn't use them so we decided to hike and get some excercise anyway. 

Have you ever walked through snow? It is tiring.
This is where we went.
Taisha and I posing.
My well prepared man.
She was in such a silly mood.
She also kept complaining about how hot it was and laid in the snow. It was a warm 22 degrees outside. Layering does help.

My little adventurer just like her mom and dad.

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