Tuesday, March 13, 2012


For my dearest husband!

I am so jealous of how much fun you are and that you dare to take risks!

No matter what anyone says (Your fam),you are a real hero to me. I think a person who truly lives, is one who tries new things and pushes limits. Sadly, I am not this person 100% yet.

The amazing friendships we have found with people who are dare devils is priceless. I have never had true friends who truly have your back at all times and in all things as we do now. We may have had to take the husbands to the hospital together, but it was also made a good and funny experience. Real TREASURES.

I have learned that no matter who you are or what you are doing, when it is your time to go, it is your time. So LIVE life. I don't want to regret wasted time.

My favorite story is of our trip to Wyoming with the L's. I remember you doing work for trade and the crazy trip we had trying to arrive at their cabin. That true story, which is a lot like the movie "Without a Paddle" was made into a very interesting memory. It could have turned out a horror story, but it ended up being a funny story. (well, at least for us, The L's don't know how to look at this as an adventure.) Tra finds this story super funny and sent it to some screenwriters.

We may not be rich, but with our life experiences, we are the richest of all. 
You have the scars to prove it!

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