Thursday, April 4, 2013

It's All Understood...


 It's All Understood by Jack Johnson.

Everyone laughed at her joke,
as if they’d never even heard it before.
And maybe they were truly amused
but every word that she spoke was a bore.
And maybe it’s because they had seen
the previews on the TV screen.
Well this part is good and that’s well understood so you should laugh
if you know what I mean.
But its all relative
even if you don’t understand.
Well its all understood,
especially when you don’t understand.
And its all just because,
even if we don’t understand,
then let’s all just believe.

Everyone knows what went down,
because the news was spread all over town.
And fact is only what you believe.
And fact and fiction work as a team.
Its almost always fiction in the end.
The content begins to bend.
When context is never the same.
And its all relative
even if we don’t understand.
And its all understood,
especially when we don’t understand.
And its all just because,
even if we don’t understand.
Then let’s all just believe-I was reading a book.
Well, maybe it was a magazine.
Suggestions on where to place faith,
suggestions on what to believe.
But I read somewhere that you’ve got to beware.
You can’t believe anything you read.
But the good book is good and that’s well understood,
so don’t even question if you know what I mean.
But its all relative,
even if you don’t understand.
Well its all understood,
especially when you don’t understand.
Well its all just because,
even if we don’t understand.
Let’s all just believe.
But there you go once again you missed the point,
and then you point your fingers at me and say that I said not to believe.
But there you go once again you missed the point,
and then you point your fingers at me and you say that I said not to believe.
I believe.
But there you go once again you missed the point,
and then you point your fingers at me and you say that I said not to believe.
I believe...I guess.
I guess its all relative.
I was questioning the truth in my heart today about my inner beliefs of the church I go to.

When I woke from the coma, I was surprised, even deeply SHOCKED to find that my question about whether the church I attend is true was not answered, yet it was. This is something I NEVER spoke about. I have not agreed with the politics of churches, even my own.

However, I did have a STRONG peaceful feeling about Heavenly Father and his son. Two separate people who loves us. EVERYONE.

 Every person sees a conflict or situation in a different light, but no point of view can be any more wrong than another, just different. Thus, believes that declaring anybody of having an incorrect opinion because it is different, or going to hell because they have a different religion, is being intolerant because you cannot see that their point of view is relative to where they were raised and the conditions they have been through. Any statement of never questioning anything, like "the good book is good, and that's well understood, so don't even question if you know what I mean is sarcasm. Jack believes that each person should believe in something, but be sure to believe in something you want to believe in, and don't harass others for thinking differently. His statement "it's all understood, even when you don't understand" is sarcasm as well as he says that understanding anything requires an understanding of any reason why anybody would see the understanding differently. The song is about how society has accepted intolerance as understood, but nobody understands why this intolerance is understood.
I can tell that I feel differently about this than most of you. I may be misinterpreting your explanations, but everyone has their own demons and you can not understand what they are going through.

I think, most simply put, Jack is basically picking on how people generally just believe (or at least say they believe) what everyone is telling them to (i.e. the media, religions, friends)in order to not stand out or "stray". Rather than believing/advocating what you truly believe, he is saying that the general masses choose to follow along with each other because it is just safer and easier that way. "Everyone laughed at her joke, as if they never even heard it before. And maybe they were truly amused, but every word she she spoke was a bore" - this is poking fun at how some people might pretend to laugh at person's joke/act amused to hopefully be liked by this person, even though what she is saying is probably not amusing. This represents altering your true beliefs in order to be accepted in this situation. "But the good book is good and that's well understood so don't even question if you know what I mean" is him kind of poking fun at how certain and strict the bible, Christianity, religion are, and how it would be wrong to question. It's written sarcastically because he doesn't think it would be wrong for one to question these "well understood" beliefs if they truly don't believe them. In short, I think he is just encouraging you to hold true and speak your actual personal beliefs and opinions, whatever they are, whether they happen to agree with the masses or not.

I 100% believe in what he is saying.

I believe in listening to the small voice and your heart. I feel my spirit like never before and it is telling me and leading me in a good direction.

God wants us to be who we are and keep growing to be more Christlike. Live by his commandments and not judge. I love those who suffer with addictions, those who are gay or what not. God wants us to forgive and help one another not make them feel worse. We are NOT their judge and jury. Their problems are between them and GOD. I will repeat this often in this post.

I find that if I don't attend church we are treated like scum and the looks are so hurtful. Every now and then we do not make it and my kids get harassed by teachers and the other kids in their classes. EVERY time. My son will not go to church because he is teased and made fun of because I can't afford to buy him a suit. When asked by the bishop why he only goes to sacrament, I told him. He said he never hears this stuff going on, yet another of the youth told me the same thing and no longer goes to church. He was such a good kid like my boy and just a few negative words, often enough, drove them away. Who will answer to God for that?

People are so afraid to be "out of the fold" they have to announce to the entire ward why they missed last week, which is NO ONES business. We should worry about ourselves and our families. 

My true belief is that NO church is wrong or right, but I am a Christian and firm believer in God and his Son. And I question a lot and sometimes I disagree with others answers about what they think it all means. No church owns me. My Father and his Son does.

I attended a friends baby blessing in Magna, where their families were not Mormon and came dressed in their nice button up shirts and levi's. Being fast Sunday, people of that ward got up to share their testimony, but I found that almost every person that got up to speak, talked about how we should dress to come into the Lords house. I watched with a heavy heart as most of their friends and family got up and left feeling judged and unwanted. I knew that day, with the most sickened heart, that people misunderstand the true meaning of God. Instead of trying to bring them to God and church, they turned them away. I also find that other churches have this beautiful place to go to pray and find yourself. Mormon's only have beautiful temples for those who are "worthy" of it. People need to have a "temple to go to to find themselves and what they believe to fight their demons. Where do the "unworthy" go to find that peace and truth? 

I am like Jack, not saying to not believe, but believe in standing for what you feel is right, even if you are standing alone. If you feel church is right then that is good for you. Stand for it, but let others stand for what they believe too.

I also have decided that I am no longer going to go to a church that I do not feel loves everyone, more than they judge those who are different. I will no longer play the game of "pretend". Humanity, love and charity  is the true way to Heaven. Living the best that we can is the best that we can do.

1 comment:

Taisha Sommers said...

This really saddens me! Today in Sunday school we were talking about how people confuse our church with the people in our church. The fact is out church is perfect, but the people in the church are not perfect. please don't judge the church based on the people, but on what is truly right!