Saturday, April 27, 2013

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time there was a Princess who met a Prince.
The Princess McKenna loved her shiny glass slippers.
 The Prince Brandon asked the Princess McKenna to a Ball called Prom.
The Prince arrived to take the beautiful Princess to the Prom.

They did the exchanging of corsages and boutonniere.
The Princess couldn't stop smiling even though she was a tad bit nervous.
This little tiny Princess screamed the whole time. I think she wanted to go.

The Queen of Hidden Hollow, The Princess mother, told her to give him a kiss on the cheek.
He was all for it, but she was embarrassed by the Queen.
We were trying to get a photo of her shoes, and so the Prince decided to be funny.
I told him to have her home by midnight or she will turn back into a pumpkin. (Ya got crap for that)
Off in the carriage to the Prom at the Castle.
The house servants waving her on. Autumn did her hair.
 The dress before the jacket. 
I thought it was modest enough with the sleeves we had made, 
but she was a little shy about it. 
The Prince did thank her for looking so beautiful and modest.
 The Princess' maid making her hair gorgeous.
Thank you Autumn!

1 comment:

Tolman Family said...

Wow! She looks gorgeous! Yay for McKenna!