Thursday, March 28, 2013

CA, here we come...

Destination ahead.


Skyler's team TNT had made it to Nationals and it was held in Sunny California!!!!
Most of the boys were unable to go, so Danny decided we would go and take them so their team could compete with ALL the boys. 
 The moon was up and the sun was about to set. It was beautiful!
 Isn't he just so handsome? Sigh....
 We took Caleb and Tren down with us and got them a hotel room to share. The extra money sure helped. The boys also paid for their own food including Skyler.

 Tren and Skyler were daring and got a little wet. It was a bit chilly.

 Caleb watched from the shore.
 Hey, an actual picture to prove I was there!!


 Don't know where his shirt went?
 Look at those waves!
 Danny showed me how to find crabs. I thought it was interesting, but didn't want to touch.

 Wait a minute... Did Caleb join the fun?

 My therapist has ordered me to start doing some things I like again. I chose to get out the semi working camera and do what I used to love. 

I found I still do, but I am not very creative.

 McKenna didn't believe I took these. Thanks girl.

 I wanted to walk to the pier. So Danny took off forgetting I was tired from walking in the sand and left me a little behind. Don't worry he noticed shortly after this photo.
The oil rigs fascinated me. I have never seen them in real life. I don't know why ocean things are some of my favorite things.

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