Saturday, March 30, 2013

Go TNT's Nitro!

So for the performance, Danny bought me a new camera with the ability to record. It worked like magic until it overheated literally right before their performance. I was so pissed. The memory stick overheated too and I lost all the images. Luckily, I sent some to my  phone. GRRRR!

No we weren't asleep.
 A little bored waiting.
Texting or facebooking, but wanting that girls green sweater.
The Anaheim Center was packed to the rim. 
 Watching the other performers waiting for their turn.
And the winner is...
This girl flirts with Skyler. I don't like her.
Hawaii won first in the other divisions. I snapped a shot of the trophy.


My boy 

 Working his muscles.
Skyler is the far left boy.
 Yes my boy is in the back.
Waiting for the results...

They one the bid to go to WORLDS!!!!

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