Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Visions of Sugar Plumbs...

Since every weekend there are Christmas parties and other events, we decided to make our Christmas candy early.

Danny also wanted to make ornaments since he let the kids have the ones he made as a kid and needed new ones. What a sentimental guy!

Alisha helped Autumn make the peanut butter balls.

 She loves marshmallows.
Isn't little A so cute!
Big A even helped for awhile. Hey, Auctober and Alisha are wearing matching shirts. I didn't realize that. Hahaha.
 The recipe was for a big batch so it took up all of their time.

 While we made some candy they decorated the ornaments.

While we made some candy they decorated the ornaments.

 Uncle Danny had fun feeding Aunya.

McKenna practicing with the paint pens.

Austin asked for honey. I didn't realize they used it as glue.
 I love Taisha's down hat. Sweet cousin Jessica gave it to her. She is holding her rock climbing snowman.

 The peanut butter balls Autumn and Alisha made were yummy.

Taisha made a yummy coconut treat that tasted like the mounds candy bar. Too bad we didn't have almonds to make it an almond joy treat.

 Skylers. There is a present inside.
 Alisha's (below is the other side).

 Alisha's made with clay and perler beads.
 Taisha's rock climbing snowman made with clay.
 Mine. Just a snow one. I am not very artistic. LOL.
 Auctober's front and back(below)

 Alisha's (below is the other side).

After all the snow that got dumped on us the day before, it was a fun, cozy way to spend celebrating Christmas traditions.

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