Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ice Castles...

I decided to take my family (Skyler was busy) to see the Ice Castles up in the city I would love to live in...Midway. I know now that I should have waited awhile because they are constantly adding new ice, but it was fun. The girls feet froze walking around in the some times deep ice shavings. It was a little slippery and got in your shoes if you were not smart like mom told them and wore their tennis shoes instead of boots.

Then we had a very expensive dinner in Heber, with our good friends that also went, that was gross. Won't make that mistake again.

 I sure miss having a young boy around. He is so much fun and so funny! We all love him.

 Erica and Scott. I love his heated coat! (note the red light on his jacket.)

H couldn't stop licking the ice. Gross!
Look how pretty.

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